For February, ClubOcean® would like to warmly thank you, because there are now more than :
+300,000 of us following our awareness
initiatives each month
It is thanks to your support that we can work together to preserve our magnificent planet. In the ClubOcean® universe, bracelets are just a symbol of our commitment.
Our real strength lies in our COMMUNITY, united to take concrete ACTION for the ocean and its ecosystem. 🌍
Without further ado, I invite you to discover the actions we have undertaken this month :
Beach Clean up in Bali
Firstly, our monthly beach clean-ups in partnership with R.O.L.E continue to have a significant impact on the preservation of numerous marine species. Through the sale of our eco-friendly products, we actively support this initiative.
Thanks to sales of ECO Products and NOT PLASTIC iPhone Cases, a beach clean-up was carried out in collaboration with R.O.L.E on 24 February 2024.
A total of 389,6 kg of waste was collected from Kedonganan beach (Jimbaran).
Madagascar Whale Shark Project
Regarding our efforts to monitor whale sharks through the placement of tags, I am pleased to announce that the results are very encouraging.
The tags and the whale sharks are doing well, and each day, the Madagascar Whaleshark Project Foundation (MWPF) gathers valuable data that enhances our understanding of these majestic creatures. 🦈
You can read all about this partnership in this article.
Get ready for the next month update !
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Thanks for reading !
The ClubOcean® team