ClubOcean® wishes you a happy new year 2024 🥳
We're starting the year off in style with some great actions! At the heart of the ClubOcean® universe, bracelets have only limited meaning, simply representing our involvement. The true source of our power lies in our united COMMUNITY, giving rise to concrete actions to preserve the ocean and its biodiversity.
Thanks to sales of ECO Products and NOT PLASTIC iPhone Cases, a beach clean-up was carried out in collaboration with R.O.L.E on 19 January 2024.
A total of 271 kg of waste was collected from Kedonganan beach (Jimbaran).
Our newsletter reaches new people every week, raising awareness of the causes of endangered marine animals.
This January, more than 172,000 peoplewere reached by our awareness campaigns on social networks and by email.
We are proud to have teamed up with the Madagascar Whale Shark Project for a tagging mission on two Whale Sharks. 🦈
We're really looking forward to following this wonderful adventure. You can read all about this partnership in this article.
We were able to support 2 incredible non-profits that fight for causes we care about for a total of 10 000€ donated.
Madagascar Whale Shark Project is our first supporter as explained above and our second supporter is the Dekafok association which enables the conservation of marine life and the protection of sea turtles in Turkey. 🌊🐢
You can find the full article here.
As we do every month, we invite you to share with us the charities you would like to see featured on ClubOcean and to which we make donations on behalf of everyone!
We supported again "Loggerhead marinelife Center" in Floride, "Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre" in Pieterburen ( Netherlands). 2 Amazing non-profit organisations that we highly recommend you to support !
Find the articles about these supports by clicking on their names above !
Get ready for the next month update !
Follow us on Instagram to not miss anything!
Thanks for reading !
The ClubOcean® team