ClubOcean® is much more than a brand and bracelets. It's a real club, with ACTIONS, done by and on behalf of everyone!
It's finally time to reveal the actions carried out this summer 2023 !
Thanks to sales of ECO Products and NOT PLASTIC iPhone Cases, two beach clean-ups were carried out in collaboration with R.O.L.E (we invite you to read the article here) on July 7 and August 8, 2023.
We are committed to removing 1kg of plastic from oceans and beaches (the equivalent of around 100 bottles) for every ECO or NOT PLASTIC item sold.
We are very pleased to announce that ClubOcean has begun its collaboration with a new partner for a BIF action that will normally take place in November.
FWe will tell you more soon so stay connected ! Whale-Shark lovers will be happy ! 👀
Our newsletter reaches new people every week, raising awareness of the causes of endangered marine animals.
This summer, more than 250,000 people (which is enormous) were reached by our awareness campaigns on social networks and by email. Even if it's not the most visible, it's one of our most impactful actions, as each person reached has the potential to act in the right direction for the protection of endangered marine animals.
We were able to support 4 incredible non-profits that fight for causes we care about for a total of 2150€ donated.
As we do every month, we invite you to share with us the charities you would like to see featured on ClubOcean and to which we make donations on behalf of everyone!
We supported "Globice" in Réunion Island (France) for Whales, "African Penguin Nest Project" in South Africa for Penguins, "Reefscapers" in Maldives for Coral plantation and our friends from "Des Requins et des Hommes" in France. 3 Amazing non-profit organisations that we highly recommend you to support !
Find the articles about these supports by clicking on their names above !
Get ready for the next month update !
Follow us on Instagram to not miss anything!
Thanks for reading !
The ClubOcean® team