Pulsera de Seguimiento del Oso Polar – ClubOcean
Étape 1 Mon produit
Étape 2 Mon animal
Étape 3 Ma couleur
étape 1/3
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  • FREE Shipping
  • Supports sea animals
  • Made with heart
  • FREE Shipping
  • Supports sea animals
  • Made with heart

Pulsera de Seguimiento del Oso Polar

  • Su pedido Subtotal$27.00
  • Su pedido Subtotal$32.00
FREE 48H Shipping ✓ United States
Color : Paw Volcanic
Paw Volcanic
Blue Quartz
Volcanic stone
Rose Quartz
Sea Stone
Paw White Howlite
Ice Pack
Glacier Rock

Animal : Oso Polar

2 bought =2 free
Valid on the entire shop
Pulsera de Seguimiento del Oso Polar
Pulsera de Seguimiento del Oso Polar
Add a bracelet (the 3rd one is free)
Peluche Adopción Coral Peluche
Gorra Misión Coral Gorra
Pulsera de seguimiento de tortugas Pulsera
Peluche Adopción Delfín Peluche
Gorra Misión Delfines Gorra
Pulsera de Seguimiento de Delfines Pulsera
Peluche Adopción Oso Polar Peluche
Gorra Misión Oso Polar Gorra
Pulsera de Seguimiento del Oso Polar Pulsera
Peluche Adopción Tiburones Peluche
Gorra Misión Tiburón Gorra
Pulsera de Seguimiento de Tiburones Pulsera
Peluche Adopción Tortugas Peluche
Gorra Misión Tortuga Gorra
Pulsera de seguimiento de tortugas Pulsera
Peluche Adopción Ballena Peluche
Gorra Misión Ballenas Gorra
Pulsera de Seguimiento de Ballenas Pulsera

Adopte un Oso Polar
¡Únete para siempre a un oso polar gracias a tu pulsera de seguimiento !
Accede directamente a su nombre, fotos, descubre su historia y vigílalo cada día en un mapa gracias a la geolocalización incluida !📍
Contribuye directamente a salvar a los osos polares en peligro de extinción con cada artículo de oso polar comprado. 🐻‍❄️

Take advantage of the 2 Bought = 2 Free (on everything) offer and double the impact of your purchases for marine animals.

Cumulative offer : 4 bought = get 4 free, 6 = 6...

The more you buy, the more you help ! 💙

Adoption QR-Code Included

Protects our Planet

Helps to protect Polar Bears

Made from Natural stones

Frequently Asked Questions

Along with your bracelet, you will receive a secret QR code allowing you to access your animal virtual geolocation map.

Total delivery times are 5 to 9 working days (including shipping and delivery) depending on the request and our shipping capacity. Each package is visible with a tracking number.

We accept returns within 14 days from the date of receipt of the item.

For any request of return or cancellation of order, thank you to contact our customer service to the address contact@clubocean.co.

We regularly write articles explaining our latest projects and donations.

You are invited to consult them to learn more about our partners and the associations that the Club supports thanks to you !

See our actions here

  • FREE SHIPPING Shipping in 48 hours
  • GUARANTEED SATISFACTION 14-day return policy