We're super excited to announce that ClubOcean has begun its collaboration with R.O.L.E Foundation based in Bali, Indonesia.
And for this first action together, a massive beach clean-up operation has been organized by R.O.L.E and sponsored by ClubOcean on June 16, 2023.
RESULTS : For this first action, nearly 425KG of waste was collected for sorting and recycling. The action also scared off some shark fishermen who were illegally fishing that day (sharks are protected).
What is R.O.L.E Foundation ?
R.O.L.E is a Balinese foundation founded in 2007 by Mike O'Leary to counter the massive problem of waste that swarms all over Bali, including on uninhabited islands due to local and ocean pollution.
As this waste is highly detrimental to the thousands of species of animals living around the archipelago, R.O.L.E and its ZeroWaste Center are very important players in safeguarding Bali's marine species.
The aim of this collaboration :
The Bali archipelago boasts some of the richest marine life in the world, and unfortunately, at the same time, Indonesia is the world's second biggest polluter.
The threat this poses to the species (Sharks, Turtles, Fish, Corals and many others...) that live in the polluted waters around us is absolutely alarming, and that's why we've decided to take action where it's most urgent.
With the launch of the "ECO" and "NOT PLASTIC" ranges, ClubOcean can finance clean-up operations and make a real impact thanks to all those who buy these products.
GET these items HERE : Reusable Tote-Bag ECO / Reusable Bottle ECO / NOT PLASTIC Cases
Next steps :
ClubOcean intends to develop the sale of "ECO" and "NOT PLASTIC" products to finance more and more similar operations each month, because it's with this kind of action that we have a real positive impact on saving the species we wish to protect.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this possible.
Together, the Club is stronger !