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  • FREE Shipping
  • Supports sea animals
  • Made with heart

Penguin adoptie plushie

  • Uw kar Subtotaal€29,95
  • Uw kar Subtotaal€35,00
  • Low stock remaining..

FREE 48H Shipping ✓ United States

Animal : Pinguïn

2 bought =1 free
Geldig in de hele winkel

Adopteer en bond voor altijd met een pinguïn dankzij uw adoptie Plushie!

Leer de naam van uw pinguïn en ontvang de foto's. Ontdek zijn geschiedenis en volg zijn reis door de ijsschot met regelmatig nieuws en positieve update!📍

🗺️ hielp bij elke plushie de toegang van dieren bij het opgenomen:
Verzamel ze allemaal en bescherm zoveel mogelijk dieren! 🐧

Orders are dispatched within 48 hours and delivered within 5 to 11 working days.

We offer FREE shipping worldwide (with tracking) 🌍

We also offer returns and refunds on orders within 14 days of receipt. For more information, click here. ✅

Adoption QR-Code Included

Protects our Planet

Helps to protect Penguins

Sweet and Squishy materials

Frequently Asked Questions

Total delivery times are 5 to 11 working days (including shipping and delivery) depending on the request and our shipping capacity. Each package is visible with a tracking number.

We accept returns within 14 days from the date of receipt of the item.

For all return requests or order cancellations, please contact our customer service department at contact@clubocean.co. Returns will unfortunately result in the cancellation of your access to your Animal's tracking system, as your contribution is essential for their maintenance.

We regularly write articles explaining our latest actions and donations, and invite you to consult them to find out more about our partners and the associations that the Club supports thanks to you !

  • FREE DELIVERY 48-hour shipping
  • 100% SECURE PAYMENTS SSL and SQL encrypted
  • EASY RETURNS 14-day return policy