ClubOcean supports Sharks Mission France, a French association in its actions to defend the sharks of the Atlantic and Mediterranean. 🌊
Created in 2013, this association is dedicated to information, awareness and action for the protection and safeguarding of sharks.
SMF has also developed a program to support scientific research by financing the purchase of beacons and tags to track the movements of sharks in order to better understand them.
This is the action we have chosen to support through the adoption of a shark with their program.
We are infinitely grateful for your support for sharks and those who take action for their cause.💙
Note : this blog post simply presents a donation made to Shark Mission France, Clubocean is geen officiële partner van Shark Mission. Zie hieronder een bewijs van donatie.
If you wish to learn more about the actions of Sharks Mission France or support them directly, Ontdek hier hun officiële website.