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C.R.A.M Fundación (Donation)

C.R.A.M Fundación (Donation)

ClubOcean supports Fundación CRAM in its efforts to conserve and protect marine mammals in the Mediterranean. 🌊🐬Fundación CRAM is a non-profit organization based in Spain, dedicated to the research, preservation and awareness of marine mammals in the Mediterranean region. Since its creation in 1...
Final-Straw-Foundation (Donation)

Final-Straw-Foundation (Donation)

ClubOcean supports the Final Straw Foundation in its efforts to protect the oceans and combat plastic pollution. 🌊🚯The Final Straw Foundation is an organization dedicated to raising awareness and reducing the use of single-use plastic, in particular plastic straws, which are one of the main sour...
Whale and Dolphin Conservation (Donation)

Whale and Dolphin Conservation (Donation)

ClubOcean supports Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) in its efforts to protect whales and dolphins around the world. 🐋🐬Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) is an international organization dedicated to the protection of cetaceans and the preservation of their marine habitats. Founded in 1987,...
Pieterburen - Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre

Pieterburen - Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre

ClubOcean soutien Seehundstation Pieterburen, (la Crèche aux phoques),une association néerlandaise (Pieterburen) dans ses actions pour le sauvetage et la réhabilitation des phoques dans la mer du Nord. 🌊 - Crée en 1971, cette association renommée aux Pays-Bas est spécialisée dans le sauvetage de...
Les Perles de la Côte bleue (Donation)

Les Perles de la Côte bleue (Donation)

ClubOcean soutien Les Perles de la Côte bleue, une association française (Sausset les Pins, France) dans ses actions pour la protection de l'environnement côtier et ses missions de nettoyage des plages. 🌊 - Crée en 2012, cette association rassemble des bénévoles locaux et organise des opérations...
Des Requins et des Hommes (Donation)

Des Requins et des Hommes (Donation)

ClubOcean soutien Des Requins et des Hommes, une association française (Plouzané, Bretagne) dans ses actions pour la protection des requins et des raies à l'international. 🌊 - Crée en 2011, DRDH est dédiée à la recherche, la sensibilisation et l'action en faveur de la sauvegarde des élasmobranch...
Polar Bears International (Donation)

Polar Bears International (Donation)

ClubOcean supports though a donation Polar Bears International based in Churchill (Canada) in its actions to protect Polar Bears. 🐻‍❄️ - Polar Bears International is based in Churchill, a coastal town on Hudson Bay, where many polar bears live while waiting for the ice pack each winter. Their ac...
The Ocean Cleanup (Donation)

The Ocean Cleanup (Donation)

ClubOcean supports The Ocean Cleanup, an environmental engineering non-governmental organization based in the Netherlands in its research for ocean cleanup. 🌊 - Created in 2013, The Ocean Cleanup develops technologies to extract plastic pollution from oceans and rivers. Their mission is first to...
Sharks Mission France (Shark adoption donation)

Sharks Mission France (Shark adoption donation)

ClubOcean supports Sharks Mission France, a French association in its actions to defend the sharks of the Atlantic and Mediterranean. 🌊 - Created in 2013, this association is dedicated to information, awareness and action for the protection and safeguarding of sharks. SMF has also developed a pr...
Saving the Blue (Donation)

Saving the Blue (Donation)

ClubOcean supports Saving The Blue in its actions to protect Sharks and endangered marine species. 🦈 - Saving the Blue's mission is to recover and restore a variety of threatened marine species, including sharks, while connecting people to ocean wildlife. 1'000$ Donation The sales o...

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Associazioni supportate e partenariati


Bottiglie di plastica o rifiuti equivalenti rimossi dalle spiagge e dagli oceani

500 $

Donati per animali

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  • Soddisfatto o rimborsato Politica di restituzione di 14 giorni