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MAY 2024 - ClubOcean® Actions

MAY 2024 - ClubOcean® Actions

This May, our focus on marine conservation shines brightly as we mobilize to protect our oceans and the remarkable creatures that inhabit them, made possible by our amazing community. 🌊🐚

Embark on a significant journey with ClubOcean® as we team up with passionate organizations and explore how to positively impact marine wildlife around the world. 🌏🪼


 Learn more about them here


 Learn more about them here


  Learn more about them here


1800$ donated this month

This month, we focused our efforts on our long-term partners with whom we are building a better future for marine wildlife. We donated a total of $1800 in May and will continue to support these dedicated organizations in this wonderful cause each month. 🦈

Thank you to them and thank you to you ! 💚



Get ready for the next month update !

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Thanks for reading !
The ClubOcean® team